Hox FrameworkOct 7, 20192 min readExplaining a TKINTER Register/sign up app in Python | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORKExplaining a TKINTER Register/sign up app in Python | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORK Hello and welcome, Today we are making a UI in Tkinter with...
Hox FrameworkAug 29, 20192 min readLinux shell scripting | LBOET | HOX FRAMEWORK#!/bin/bash #>we declare this one so the program knows our work env, in this case BASH printf "If you want to list directories, \n You...
Hox FrameworkJul 28, 20192 min readRuby Basics - A little bit of everything tutorials || HOX FRAMEWORK1. Download ruby : https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 2. In the ending of the installers process there will be a checkbox to run " ridk...
Hox FrameworkJun 18, 20193 min readPYTHON Advanced – Making a digital assistant – A little bit of everything || HOX FRAMEWORK Welcome, Here i showed you how to make a simple digital assistant in python with only 3 modules (2 if you don’t include...