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Explaining a TKINTER Register/sign up app in Python | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORK

Explaining a TKINTER Register/sign up app in Python | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORK

Hello and welcome,

Today we are making a UI in Tkinter with Python, it is going to be a register system in which user inputs data, clicks a button,

and the data is stored in our text file.

Here is the python code:

from tkinter import *

def saveuser():


firstname_info = firstname.get()

lastname_info = lastname.get()

if firstname_info == "":

print("No name entered. Quitting...")

#firstname_entry.delete(0, END)

return None

if lastname_info == "":

print("No last name entered...")

#lastname_entry.delete(0, END)

return None

#we are using return here and not Quit because quit completely quits while

#return will quit only this function and return us back to our GUI to enter

#the name again.

#reorginizing our data to look nicer

converterThing = "\n>" + firstname_info + "," + lastname_info + ";"

#Printing out our entry.

print("User ", firstname_info, " has been registered successfully")

#Finally saving the entered data into our text file while

#conserving all the previous data as well

file = open("user.txt", "a")

operationManager = str(converterThing)



#wrote everything and closed it

#making sure that, after we press submit, or fields clear for the next input

firstname_entry.delete(0, END)

lastname_entry.delete(0, END)

#Setting up a screen in tkinter

screen = Tk()

#adding the resolution to it


#adding a custom title (<title> in html)

screen.title("Register thing")

#adding a heading , like a title Inside the app (<h1> in html)

heading = Label(text = "Welcome, Make sure you register.", bg = "grey", fg = "black", width = "500", height = "3")

#using .pack instead of .place for the heading;


#Writing out our labels so user knows what to enter

firstname_text = Label(text = "Firstname * ",)

lastname_text = Label(text = "Lastname * ",)

#placing our labels on a place we like = 10, y = 70) = 10, y = 140)

#defining the type of data our entries are going to be

firstname = StringVar()

lastname = StringVar()

#Making our form boxes - entry boxes

firstname_entry = Entry(textvariable = firstname, width = "30")

lastname_entry = Entry(textvariable = lastname, width = "30") = 5, y = 100) = 5, y = 180)

#adding a button and placing it

register = Button(screen,text = "Register", width = "30", height = "2", command = saveuser, bg = "grey") = 10, y = 250)

greeting_bye = Label(text = "Thank you for using my program. Have a nice day") , y = 450)


,a user.txt file, and a batch file.

And our batch file only has one line:

echo USERNAME,LASTNAME; > user.txt

thank you for visiting and have a nice day.

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