Hello guys and welcome, in this tutorial I'm gonna be showing
you the ABCs of LaTeX. LaTeX is a document preperation system
that makes it way easier for you to export many documents and
write in general, as well as use references.
MikTex is a Latex editor for windows. You can download
it here:
and navigate to the download page
And here is my file from the video :
book.tex file:
%for this its going to give you an error and pop out a window asking to install missing packages, say yes, and it will be done in
%a minute.
\author{Anne Frank}
\title{My second book}
%you can also do \documentclass{book}
\subsection{World war I}
The beggining of the Great war.
In subsection \ref{ww2} i will be talking about ww2
\subsection{World war II\label{ww2}}
Rising Storm
This is normal, \textbf{this is bold}
This is \textit{italical}
And this is a list:
%#LISTS , you can also use itemize
\item Tom\label{Tom}
\item Mark\label{M}
\item Raviolli\label{tasty}
Oh yeah \ref{M} likes \ref{tasty}
%you can also add width or height to [] and all sorts of other stuff
Thank you so much for visiting, have a nice day :) .