NMAP (+Zenmap) For Beginners | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORK
Welcome ! In this tutorial we will learn about NMAP , a network mapping tool
that is absolutely genius.
Lets jump into it.
Im using Kali Linux and in it i opened a terminal , right here you can see all your
NMAP options and parameters by just writing " nmap " in the terminal. Also, or even
better and more in depth you can use " man nmap ". "man" Command is a command that
opens tool's manual.
Then you can read about all sorts of scans.
-sS - Stealthscan - it pretty much tricks the recieving server by going "i want this" and
server goes "okay here you go" and then your machine (nmap) goes "Actually no" and
resets itself. Its stealthy but not perfect, a lot of new IDSes can find you.
(IDS = intrusion detection system)
-sT - TCP connect() scan
-----These 3 scans i will seperate in order to explain them easily
-sF -FIN scan
-sN -Null scan
-sX -XMAS scan
> These 3 scan types are better at dealing with IDS. (Keep in mind you have to match the
parameters , scan type with the server and keep the IDS and firewalls in mind in order
to perfectly execute the scan).
>How do they work?
-They expect a CLOSED port to return RST (Reset) when recieving packets while OPENED
ports just DROP the packets.
-Using these you will never send the SYN. BUT that doesnt go for ALL systems.
What im trying to say is, they dont work on Windows. Pretty much.
-sP for a pingscan (mostly for detecting which PCs are online and not the ports)
KEEP IN MIND -sP changed the name to -sn
-sU - UDP scan
-sI - Idle scan
-sO - IP protocol scans
-O - IMPORTANT - fingerprint OS
You can also specify parameters like:
-v for verbose
-F fast scan
-ttl -time to live
And you can use GREP (but dont use it for multiple hosts
because this command just shows open ports- you can use other
GREP commands):
> nmap | grep open
-And you can decoy-scan:
>nmap -sS -D
meaning you will scan AS the other host ( in this case thats .102) and our victim is
our gateway (.1)
-Thank you so much for visiting. Have a nice day :)