Scraping your Sub-count with Python (bs4,re,requests) | LBOET | HOXFRAMEWORK
Hello guys and welcome.
Lets play with some BS4 and REGEX and some Requests.
I will try my best to explain the basics of the basics of BS4 and REGEX and how to use Requests, then you can
make your own decision about what will you use. I recommend learning both.
import requests as rq
import bs4 as bs
sauce = rq.get('')
sc = sauce.content
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sc,'lxml')
key = soup.find("span", {"class":"yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal"})
key = key.attrs
subcount = key["title"]
print("Your subscriber count :",subcount)
import re
import requests as rq
sauce = rq.get('')
sc = sauce.text
finder = re.findall(r'aria-label\=\"\d*\s\w+',sc)
converter = str(finder[0])
converter = converter.replace("aria-label","")
converter = converter.replace('"',"")
converter = converter.replace("']","")
converter = converter.replace("pretplatnika","")
converter = converter.replace("=","")
print("Current subscriber count : ",converter)
Thank you so much for visiting and have a nice night :).