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  • Writer's pictureHox Framework

Solving multiple CTFs in under 2 minutes

Hello guys and welcome to another tutorial.

This one will be quick.

First task - Find the ip location

copy the ip and paste it to the location finder website of your choice

press find and copy the city location to the ctf

Task solved


Second task

Basic injection

Go to the provided link and do some basic SQL injection things.

Do some qoute spamming into the form and some ones and an equal sign

Boom congratulazions you broke the database

Take the flag and paste it where it belongs

Third task


Not really tho.

Download the file and notice its a picture, cool

,lets edit it with NOTEPAD ++ and look for CTF or FLAG in this case,

Cool you found the flag problem solved

Fourth task


You get a wierd IP ,what are you gonna do with it ? smash it in

wikipedia search

Oh look there is an entry , cool lets look at it .

Copy the flag and paste it

Fifth task

Base to to the 64 ? what even is that



Copy the code and paste it into a base64 decoder

decode it and there you have it , its a flag.

Put it where it belongs

Sixth task

Paste those bin.... That sounds like pastebin


Cool copy the flag from the link and paste it

problem solved


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